On...The Reboot

On...The Reboot



  1. restart or revive

In life, or as much of life that I understand at the moment, there come significant turning points.

These are few and far between. Nearly always, they feel like destruction. Nearly always, they rip out elements in our lives that felt foundational. The rug is pulled out from under us. We are no longer standing stable. I like to call them “life reboots”. The computer has broken down. It needs to be reset to factory settings. This is the only way to save it. This is the only way the universe can save you.

These times hit us hard because we know that life will never be the same again. In these moments we become acutely aware of how significant the insignificant things were.


The life reboot likes to strike just when things are ticking along just fine.


Our lives can become a tower of jagged Jenga blocks. Block upon block upon block we pile up. But sometimes the blocks at the bottom were never aligned correctly. They could never reach their potential height this way even though the tower is the most wonderful place you have known. It has to fall down. It needs to be built again. Better. With more precision. With more care. More strategically. With extra love. And as the blocks tumble down, everything that once was, is destroyed.


In spiritual teachings, we are taught to simply be and let go of the mind and the ego. To be aware of awareness itself. By doing so, everything quietens down. We notice a stillness within. The endless chatter of the ego stops. There is only you, present, accepting that this is the way the cards have fallen. No resistance. There is space.

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I see the life reboot as having parallels to these teachings. They are space creating. We are jolted to stop and address the root of the issues we may have been avoiding facing. Health. Career. Love. Location. Money. Self Esteem. Identity. Family. Friends. Some of it. All of it.

These times literally force us to reassess the next move in the game of life, very thoughtfully. We must see beyond the chaos and take it as the universe's grand way of telling us that things have to change in order to move forward so we can look back and say it had to happen.

That it took that to get to this.
