


  1. The force that keeps an object moving or keeps an event developing after it has started

You know, quality isn’t always the main goal. First there should be volume. We can define volume as time spent, output or action. Quality inevitably follows. In fact, quality is a by-product of volume as long as we are learning.

I say this because not-making is an easy trap to fall into. It manifests as a type of creative inertia. A grey envelope wrapping you up with a delicious mix of useless crap to distract you from the main damn thing.

I have been no short of plagued by the low volume of of art I’ve made (vs my high expectations) since this whole life change hoo ha.

I never know where I stand on expectations. Too high and unmet, we are left disappointed. Too low and met and we don’t do ourselves justice. And does anyone want to be in a boring medium range of expectations?

With art, I can’t help but have high expectations of myself. I suppose it’s because painting is probably the only thing I ever truly feel in control and capable of.

There’s been an unsettled feeling in me that I’m climbing a very steep hill much slower than I anticipated.

Lion eye.jpg

But, I am being understanding of myself. As I wrote about before on my post on adjusting, I’ve taken on a whole new way of living and quite frankly, I’ve got caught up in a whirlwind of stuff, stuff and more stuff that isn't art - but all with the sincerest of intentions. So I can see the causes.

With a newfound clarity, I have spent the last two weeks re-assessing the situation to review my own performance, speaking to some wise folk (I am lucky enough to have wonderful people in my life who are encouraging and pushing me which I am eternally grateful for) and from that, making the relevant changes.

It’s like the dreaded quarterly reviews we might have with our boss to create SMART goals so we can get a promotion or pay rise or whatever but we know deep down we aren’t giving it what we should be -_-

The acronym is quite dry and corporate but actually, it is a useful framework for me to make more paintings! Who’d have thought I’d be writing this in my art blog.

Let’s recap.

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Achievable

R - Realistic

T - Time based

Now I have a little mini plan. I’ve finished several pieces on paper, I am working on a limited range of prints for the first time ever (omg), a fun commission and a triptych of three intertwining paintings I've drawn up on canvas. I’ve not painted on canvas in months and the way I’ve drawn it is going to be a challenge for me. I can’t wait to start because even if it doesn’t turn out good, I’m pushing myself.

These all feel do-able within the time span I’ve allocated and I am excited about them all. I wanted to write this down to hold myself accountable, digitally. Because, the cloud is here to haunt us forever.

My diary is clearer. My work hours are slightly less and I don’t have any media projects on at the minute. My priority, as it always should have been, is now my true love, art.

I have finally gained momentum.