On...A Higher Force

I believe the universe gives us what we need (and that’s not always what we want) when we put our best and most authentic feet forward. When we trust in the process, when we trust in ourselves. When we can look at ourselves in the mirror and know we are staying true to what we genuinely value and believe in.

An interview I watched the other day with actor Leslie Odom Jr dropped some real gems that I scribbled into my notebook. One thing he said that really struck me was, “when you decide you want something, something will come up to test your resolve. It will show you if you really want this. Who are you?

DAMN! Let’s sit with that for a moment.


More than ever, it seems to me that there is a divine order and a divine timing to the way things happen.

I never used to believe in God. I have now come to believe in a force that powers through everything we do. Something far greater and more powerful than we might want to believe. Not a man in the sky or a goddess we need to pray to, but a certain Something that really does exist if we open ourselves up to it.

This is not to say that we won’t encounter problems and real gruelling times in life because erm, yes we will. Those challenges come to test us again and again and again. All kinds of ridiculous crap. And there are more than a million horrible things in the world that need to be changed...but I can’t shake the feeling that there is just something more going on with this old universe of ours.

The path we find ourselves on has a certain sense to it. One long line of jigsaw puzzle pieces that are retrospectively fitting together.

I’m not a scientific/super rational type of person. I go with my intuition most of the time even if it doesn’t always make “sense”. And quite frankly, it’s the times I’ve tried to be overly rational, compensating for what I used to believe was a personal failing to feel too much, that ironically things have ended up feeling worse.

When I have listened to and acted upon my intuition - I seem to have been guided towards more harmony within and more personal growth. Maybe our intuition connects us to this higher force which then connects us to the right path for who we are meant to become. It’s a thought I like.

Ultimately, who knows. Maybe this is just a load of shit that the chemical reactions in our brain concoct to help us try and make sense of the chaos.

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But I  think it’s more fun to believe that life and the universe is a little bit more magical. That there really is something there, that has our back, that is helping us figure it all out. So for now, I trust in the process and I trust that this will all make beautiful sense one day. That today’s jigsaw puzzle piece has a perfect fitting counterpart to connect with tomorrow.

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