On...Getting The Vibe Right

Atmosphere is important. I think it’s true that the energy in a room can be felt. It’s difficult to articulate this because it’s not rational or logical. Perhaps one way to define Atmosphere could be an intuitive and emotion based understanding of the space we are in.

I’ve been observing my own attention to atmosphere the past week and have broken this down into the steps I take to get it right when I want to start painting. It’s my magic formula. Then once the vibe is on point, creativity has room to flourish.

1. Starting tidy

Painting by its very nature is messy. There are lots of materials to contend with, water jars that can tip over and paint that can splatter on white walls.  

I try to reduce drowning in a sea of stuff by starting (emphasis on starting) with a tidy room. Things end up going everywhere during the painting process so adding a pile of laundry that needs putting away to that is not going to help. Come midnight, when tiredness sets in and there are a million bits and pieces to put away and clean up, who wants to face folding t-shirts. This is a boring but important part.

2. Having the stuff


If the paint can’t be located, there’s a big problem and there’s stress. So I like to keep all my essentials - paints, paper, pencils, brushes, masking tape, newspaper, water jar and palettes - near my desk. Everything is within hand’s reach. This eliminates any bullshit excuse to avoid starting such as “I don’t have paper” / “Where are the brushes?” because the paper and the brushes are right there.

3. Finding positivity

Making art is fun and makes me happy. If sometimes I feel un-bothered or tired, I tend to force myself to start (sometimes this is so hard and can sometimes take me several hours) but usually by the end of it I’m in the zone and having a fabulous time.

It’s amazing how quickly any negative, weighty emotions can shift once we start to do something productive and enriching. Maybe this is why people find art therapeutic. I certainly do.

I always light a candle when I’m painting too for added warm glows and floral scents.

4. Blasting the tunes

This is definitely my most important atmosphere creating component. I’m so obsessed with music that sometimes I think I paint so that I can jam to all the tunes.

Every now and again I put my phone on flight mode, listen to vinyl only and go full on analogue girl in a digital world.

I’ll probably post a monthly round up of my favourite tracks on this blog soon I think.

5. Fuelling up

Crisps. Crisps. Fruit. Hummus. Wine. Tea. Crisps. Beer. It’s important. Currently Asda’s Extra Special Raspberry Indulgence chocolate is proving to be a hit.

So that’s how I roll and try to get the vibe right. So if ever there’s something productive you want to do but the mood feels off, identify your secret mix of steps to get the vibe right and action them. It actually works!